convergent friends

Converging Around Jesus by David Male

Posted on: June 5, 2007

David Male, convergent Friend (who doesn’t have a blog), and member of Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) has written about his encounter with Jesus. It’s a good story to read and like David, it is provocative.

In it he says,

After an experience at Ohio Yearly Meeting in which an old Quaker lady told me that she had stopped worrying about her sin and learned to “rest in the love of Jesus and let his blood wash away [her] sin,” the scales fell from my eyes. I was truly born again into a new heaven and a new earth in which all creation had a new smell. Before, I had come to believe that God had the power to raise Jesus from the dead. Now, I knew that he intended to use that power to restore all creation, beginning with me. It was no longer about me struggling to be the best person I could be so I could hopefully earn the love of God or at least feel better about being imperfect. It was all about the perfect love of God beginning to transform me into the child of God I was always meant to be.

Visit the Conservative Friends website for the rest of the article.

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